Analysis of Technogenic Loading on the Natural Environment of the Zaporozhye Region

  • A. V. Chugai Odessa State Ecological University
  • V. V. Pilipyuk Odessa State Ecological University
  • G. O. Borovska Odessa State Ecological University
Keywords: natural environment, polluting substance, quality assessment, technogenic loading module


Purpose. To assess the level of pollution of the atmospheric air and the surface waters of the Zaporozhye region, as well as assessing the technogenic loading on the natural environment of the region. Methods. Statistical. Results. The obtained results indicate that the highest values of the atmospheric pollution index are defined in such substances as formaldehyde, phenol, nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen oxide. The surface waters quality of the Zaporozhye region was characterized as "poorly polluted", class I – "polluted", class II. The assessment of the loading on the air basin showed a gradual decrease in the level of loading. The contribution of mobile sources is about 50 % of the total emissions. For the surface water, there is also a significant decrease in a loading module index. With the amount of accumulated waste, a loading level increases. For a generated waste amount, a maximum amount is solid household waste. The overall assessment of a technogenic loading on the region shows that in 2010 – 2012, the maximum values of a man-caused load module were characterized. A slight decrease in an anthropogenic pressure level is noted. This is due to the reduction of pollutants emissions  into the atmosphere and the generation of waste in 2013 – 2015. Conclusion.  Zaporozhye region belongs to the technogenically stressed regions. Priorities for improving the state of the environment are activities related to reducing the amount of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere and the generation of waste.


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Author Biographies

A. V. Chugai, Odessa State Ecological University

кандидат географічних наук, доцент

V. V. Pilipyuk, Odessa State Ecological University

кандидат географічних наук

G. O. Borovska, Odessa State Ecological University

кандидат географічних наук, доцент


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How to Cite
Chugai, A. V., Pilipyuk, V. V., & Borovska, G. O. (2018). Analysis of Technogenic Loading on the Natural Environment of the Zaporozhye Region. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy, (18), 97-105.