Climatic Changes as a Precondition of Soil Erosion Danger of Zaporizhia Region

  • Y. V. Chebanova Tavria State Agrotechnological University
Keywords: anthropogenic landscape, regional nature management, ecology and landscape analysis, Zaporizhzhya region, water erosion, wind erosion


Purpose. To reveal changes of climatic conditions in the region of Zaporizhia, which directly affect the development of soil erosion processes of the region Methods. System analysis. Results. It has been established that the process of climate warming is accompanied with an increase in average annual temperatures during the period of 2005-2017 by 1.7 ° С on the average.  The general positive trend also indicates a significant increase in the sum of active temperatures above + 15 ° С.  The average long-term increase in the sum of positive temperatures has been around 40 ° C per year  according to the data of the meteorological observing station of Melitopol; at the same time, within the period of 2008-2012 there was a double growth of this indicator - up to 80 ° C per year.  The change of wind circulation with the prevalence of western component leads to an overall increase in precipitation up to 500.0 mm on the average (the meteorological station of Melitopol).  At the same time, the amount of rainfall is being redistributed towards the winter season, which causes an increase in dryness during the vegetation season.  Both the increase in the average annual temperature and the redistribution of precipitation between seasons is accompanied with an increase in the frequency of droughts, especially from the second half of the twentieth century until the present time.  In addition, an increase in the amount of rainfall in the winter period and the exposure of agricultural fields is followed with accelerated water erosion of the soil, with the deflation processes being activated in early spring. Conclusions. It has been revealed that changes in the climatic conditions, which are occurring on the territory of the region of  Zaporizhia, are accompanied with an average long-term increase in the sum of positive temperatures, an increase in the average annual temperature of the air and a decrease in the wind-circulatory processes.The change in climatic conditions has caused the activation of water and wind erosion. Wind erosion is common on the surface adjacent to the Azov Sea coast, as well as on the surface of the Pryazovia Highlands and windward slopes. Water erosion processes are confined to short and steep slopes, which essentially depend on the amount of precipitation and soil properties.


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How to Cite
Chebanova, Y. V. (2018). Climatic Changes as a Precondition of Soil Erosion Danger of Zaporizhia Region. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy, (18), 61-68.
Ecological researches of geosistem