Comparative Analysis Of Influence Of Traffic Flows On Air Pollution In Banska Bystrica (Central Slovakia) And Kremenchug (Ukraine)

  • V. V. Podlesnyuk
  • І. О. Soloshich
Keywords: transport streams, contamination of atmosphere, car transportation, nitrogen dioxide, frequency of movement


The comparative analysis on atmospheric airs’ contamination from the transport streams in Banska Bystrica, Slovak Republic and Kremenchuk, Ukraine was done. Dependence between frequency of transportation streams and concentration of released contaminated substances to the atmosphere was presented along with calculated data about release of the harmful compounds in terms of  nitrogen oxide. Some proposals were developed for improving the existed situations in the case-studied cities.


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How to Cite
Podlesnyuk, V. V., & SoloshichІ. О. (1). Comparative Analysis Of Influence Of Traffic Flows On Air Pollution In Banska Bystrica (Central Slovakia) And Kremenchug (Ukraine). Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy, (1004), 130-133. Retrieved from