The aspects of the wind climate for the urbanized city

  • Ю. Ю. Виставна Kharkov national academy of urban studies
  • О. В. Бірюков Kharkiv Hydrometeorological College Odessa State Environmental University
  • С. О. Зубкович KHarkiv Hydrometeorological College Odessa State Environmental University
Keywords: wind direction, wind speed, basic team of observation, high level of meteorological pollution of atmospheric air, turbulence


It is presented in the work the analysis of the wind field for Kharkiv, which is based on the meteorological observations at the stations, which control the level of atmospheric air pollution for the first decade of the XXI century. The dimensional analysis of the wind speed fields is made. For reference of the air direction it was calculated the Pirson coefficient and the wind roses for cold and warm periods were constructed. Obtained results can be used during composing prognosis of the levels of pollution of atmospheric air in urbanized cities.


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Author Biographies

Ю. Ю. Виставна, Kharkov national academy of urban studies
канд. техн. наук,  доц.
О. В. Бірюков, Kharkiv Hydrometeorological College Odessa State Environmental University
How to Cite
Виставна, Ю. Ю., Бірюков, О. В., & Зубкович, С. О. (1). The aspects of the wind climate for the urbanized city. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy, (1140), 70-73. Retrieved from