Integrative methods for assessing the residual ability of possible and imperative elements of regional ecological networks to regulate themselves

  • О. С. Маляренко Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev
Keywords: method, self-regulation, anthropogenic pressure, anthropogenic transformation, regional ecological network


The integrative methods for assessing the residual ability of possible and imperative elements of regional ecological networks to regulate themselves were justified, systematized and supplemented with some modifications. The table which displays some correlation between the land cover types and graduations of landscape transformation was developed.


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How to Cite
Маляренко, О. С. (1). Integrative methods for assessing the residual ability of possible and imperative elements of regional ecological networks to regulate themselves. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy, (1140), 35-41. Retrieved from