The article aims to reveal the hidden motives for Stalin’s revival of the Slavic movement during World War II. The new Slavophilism was not a spontaneous initiative coming from the Slavic masses, but a deliberate political project designed to alleviate the Soviet Union's overwhelming efforts in its struggle against a mortal enemy. At first, the agitation needed to consolidate the Slavic peoples consisted of roughly equal parts nationalism and internationalism. Gradually over time, however, specifically from the turning point in the course of the war in 1943 onwards, the balance began to tip unequivocally in favour of Russian nationalism. The Russian nation was presented as the eldest brother in the Slavic family, and things definitely took on the shades of the old, supposedly disowned imperial pan-Slavism. The idea of Slavic solidarity was now needed by Stalin not so much as a mobilizing factor as for the legitimation of the new post-war order in Europe. He was not a slave to superfluous sentimentality, but guided in his actions solely by pragmatic motives, and cleverly disguised ones at that. That is why his publicly expressed reasons for Slavic unification should be seen only in the light of the post-war interests of the USSR.
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