The article examines the issue of parish cemeteries across Bulgarian settlements in Bessarabia during the tsarist period. Church acts and rules regulating the development of such cemeteries are analyzed. In the tsarist period, the Church strictly forbade the wearing of flowers and other decorations in the church and at the cemetery. The study gives a description of different types of tombstones found across parish cemeteries. It is emphasized that at first a wooden cross would be placed over the mound, and later would be replaced by a stone one. Shape-wise, wooden crosses resembled a spearhead topped with a cross and was associated with a human figure. Limestone was mainly used as tombstone material in the 19th century, due to its availability. On some tombstones, different solar symbols can be seen. Stylized images of a double-headed eagle – the small coat of arms of the Russian Empire – can also be found.
At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, column-shaped crosses with a relief images started to appear. Some of such tombstones were crowned with trefoil crosses. In the article, an attempt is made to date the first cemeteries that appeared in Bulgarian colonies. The issue of so-called "plague cemeteries" is touched upon. In addition, based on archival documents, an analysis of periods with the highest number of burials, which were carried out in the years of the epidemics, is made. The article also looks at burials made outside the parish cemeteries, where, as the sources indicate, the murdered, dead by suicidal villagers, and unbaptized babies were placed.
Based on the historical sources, for the first time, there is a discussion of burials carried out on the territory of the churches. The sources show that mainly priests-supervisors who served for many years in the parish and participated in the construction of the church were buried next to the church. With the approval of the parishioners, epitropas, who served in the church for a long time and helped the priest, were also buried in the courtyard of the church. Additionally, patrons who financially supported the church during their own lifetimes were buried in the churchyards.
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