Academician Mihailo Popruzhenko (1866-1944) and his contributions to the Bulgarian medieval history

  • Nikola Karaivanov Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“ 1619
Keywords: Acad. Popruzhenko, scientific contributions, Bulgarian medieval history


Academician Mikhail Popruzhenko is an ethnic Ukrainian, one of the prominent Bulgarians, who made significant contributions to the study of the problems of medieval Bulgarian history. The scientific and teaching life of Acad. Mikhail Popruzhenko is divided by years only between two universities: Odessa University (28 years 1891-1919) and Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski ”(21 years 1920-1941). The academic article examines extremely in-depth and current scientific contributions to the history of the Bulgarian Middle Ages of the Ukrainian scientist throughout his creative life in Odessa and Sofia. At the end of his life, Acad. Popruzhenko began to study a huge topic in terms of significance and volume, dedicated to Patriarch Evtimii Tarnovski, his time and the language reform he was carrying out. Many prominent Bulgarian historians are his students and doctoral students, but the most important thing is that most of the scientific works of Acad. Mihailo Popruzhenko still have not lost their scientific value and relevance.


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How to Cite
Karaivanov, N. (2021). Academician Mihailo Popruzhenko (1866-1944) and his contributions to the Bulgarian medieval history. Drinovsky Sbornik, 14.