Instrumentalization of the memory of the Second World War in the post-Soviet space and in the CEE countries

Keywords: The Great Patriotic War, World War II, historical politics, identity, mythologizing, post-Soviet space, fascism


This article considers reasons for the actuality of the Second World War and active use of its mythological "potential" by modern politicians. Another aspect of the study is the impact of the constructed memory of war on the conflicts, which divide the opposition camps of society both within and outside of the country. The article also focuses on the results of "language wars", in particular the expansion of the semantic field of use of the concept of "fascism / fascist". On the example of the modern Russian filmmaking industry, the mechanisms of ideological influence on the consolidation in the mind of the construct "Great Patriotic War" as a basic identification element by the methods of popular culture are considered. The use of war as an instrument of discord and social and interstate division into "one's own" and "foreign" is analyzed on the example of the opening of the WWII Museum in Minsk.

The problem of the Holocaust, which is inseparable from the memory of the Second World War and the post-Soviet territories, is taken into account as well. This problem and attitude towards it is a kind of indicator of the democracy of a society, the level of its tolerance and ability to admit mistakes, ask for forgiveness and ability to forgive.

As a result of the study, the author came to the following conclusions: 75 years after its end, World War II remains an important element of political practices and the basis for the implementation of historical policy for both democratic and authoritarian systems. This is especially true for the countries of the so-called post-Soviet space. The filmmaking industry and museum practices, as in Soviet times, contain notable ideological and propaganda messages, including the recognition of war as a method of solving internal problems by mobilizing against imaginary enemies. For Putin's Russia, the issue of the Holocaust remains an irritating topic that continues to be on the margins of the victorious messages of "the country that defeated fascism". The theme of patriotism and flirting with national feelings (sometimes on the verge of a foul) for right-wing populist politicians, on the example of Hungary, provides situational support for the electorate, but carries far-reaching problems of international recognition and preservation of its European Union membership.


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How to Cite
Vengerska , V. (2021). Instrumentalization of the memory of the Second World War in the post-Soviet space and in the CEE countries. Drinovsky Sbornik, 14.