A Challenge to Democratic Values in Central and Eastern Europe by Russian Hybrid Aggression
Modern geopolitical challenges to common democratic values have posed a central issue for Central and Eastern Europe to respond adequately to Russia's aggressive policies. Democratic values are the result of the humanity's long journey to self-esteem. Their institutional consolidation at the beginning of the modern era became the basis of the comprehensive achievements of human civilization over the past two hundred years. The article highlights the current challenges to democratic values in Central and Eastern Europe caused by the Russian aggression against Ukraine. Russia's threats in the international legal sphere have been identified, and Russia's challenges to democratic values in the economic, political, and information spheres of Central and Eastern Europe have been outlined. In March 2014 the Russian Federation breached all the basic principles of public international law. Its actions have been the first attempt to change Europe's borders by force since the end of World War II. The countries of Central and Eastern Europe, together with the European Union and the United States, have begun to impose sanctions against violators of the international law. In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, powerful propaganda activities of the Russian Federation are taking place almost with impunity. Pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian ultra-left, nationalist and Eurosceptic (isolationist) parties in almost all Central and Eastern European countries are demanding support for Russia. Despite the importance of political and propaganda efforts, the economic factor plays a key role in Russia's destruction of sustainable democratic values. Central and Eastern European countries are suffering from export losses due to sanctions imposed on Russia. Moscow is trying to strengthen its position in Central and Eastern Europe by undermining the appeal of liberal traditions and democratic institutions. Anything that deepens existing differences within the EU and NATO is seen as a plus for Russia's interests. Two possible options for stopping Russia's hybrid aggression against Central and Eastern European countries are considered. The need for a consolidated position and appropriate action by the "collective West" is emphasized. The countries of the region should learn to live in the conditions of the hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation, to increase their own resistance and internal consolidation in the face of Russian challenges.
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