West Balkan in the political strategy of European Union
Western Balkans in the political strategy of the European Union. The purpose of the study is to highlight the main issues that affect the formation and implementation of the European Union's strategy for the Western Balkans. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, impartiality, problem-chronological presentation of scientific material. The method of comparative analysis of different stages of formation of the EU strategy for the Western Balkans is used. A comparative analysis of the EU strategy for various countries in the Balkan region, as well as for the Eastern Partnership countries. The European Union is not ready for the final inclusion of the countries of the region in its membership. Britain's exit has unbalanced the EU and exacerbated the contradictions between "old" and "new" EU member states, between "rich" and "poor", between northern and southern EU member states. The EU's Balkan enlargement is increasing the number of southern member states. Obstacles to the Western Balkan countries' compliance with the political, economic and legal criteria for EU membership remain difficult. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia, and the Republic of Northern Macedonia must complete the establishment of institutions of a functioning and effective democracy, a competitive market economy, and complete the implementation of European law into national law. It is also necessary to leave in the ghost history of great-power chauvinism, which destabilizes the Balkans. Only in this case will the EU's political strategy towards the Western Balkans be considered historically successful.
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