Petr Garchev (1923-2001) is the Ukrainian Historian from Malogo Buyalyika

  • Надежда Елисеева Department of Applied Electrodynamics, School of Radio Physics, Biomedical Electronics, and Computer Systems, V. N. Karazin National Kharkiv University
Keywords: the Bulgarian, Ukrainian historian, Kharkov, Simferopol, university, History of Ukraine, historiographer, source study, monograph


The article is devoted to P. I. Garchev, a Ukrainian scientific historian and a pedagogue, participant of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. He is awarded by the order Patriotic War of I degree, medals “Za otvagu”, “For a victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945”. Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, P. I. Garchev in 1999 was elected Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Historical Sciences. The number of his scientific publications exceeds 130, including of 12 monographies.
The author of the article is the daughter of P. I. Garchev, therefore, the article presents in essence - memories of the father, his colleagues and our family. The article summarizes the biographical information about the father and about his scientific publications, copies of which are at home with inscriptions.

P. I. Garchev was born on December, 17th, 1923 in the village Sverdlovo of Odesskaya oblast. After studying and on graduating the postgraduate course at the Odessa State pedagogical institute of Ushinsky, Garchev P.I. worked: 1952-1956 – the Sumy pedagogical institute; 1956-1974 – the Kharkov State University of A.M. Gorki; 1974-1979 – the Zaporozhe State pedagogical institute; 1979-2001 – the Simferopol State (Tavricheskiy) University of V. I. Vernadsky. In 1953 at Institute of History of Academy of Science of USSR in Kiev he has defended one’s candidate thesis. In 1970 at Department of History of Kharkov State University of A. M. Gorki he has defended the thesis for a doctor’s degree. With 1980 for 1982 he
works as the dean of historical faculty of the Simferopol State University, with 1984 for 1989 manages by Department of History of the SSSR. With 1989 for 1999 he works as the professor of Department of the Russian Hhistory. In 1997 professor P. I. Garchev has published the monography «Russkaya istoriografiya 12-17 vekov». The last monograph, named “Pervisne suspilstvo i pochatok derzhavotvorennya na teritoriy Ukrayini”, has been published in 2001.
In 1996-1998 he was the chairman of the Vsekryimskiy society “Prosvita” of a name of Taras Shevchenko. For the contribution to development of the Ukrainian culture to Crimea P. I. Garchev becomes the laureate of awards of the name S. Rudanskogo, of Association of the national societies and organizations of the people of Crimea, of the Crimean republican fund of culture.


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Kalmakan, N. A. 2002. Malobuyalyikskie greki, 200 let na Odesschine. [Malobujalyksky Greeks, 200 years on Odesshchine]. Odessa: Druk. 256 s. (In Russian)
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Garchev, P. I. 1953. Borba rabochih Odessyi za ustanovlenie Sovetskoy vlasti i rol v etoy borbe profsoyuzov i fabzavkomov (fevral’ 1917 – yanvar’ 1918 gg.): Avtoref. dis. na soisk. uchen. step. kand. ist. nauk [Sumyi]. [Struggle of workers of Odessa for an establishment of the Soviet power and a role in this struggle of Trade unions and Factory committees (February 1917 - January, 1918)]: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of historical sciences [Sumy], 16 s., 20 sm (AN USSR, In-t istorii). Сведения взяты из изд.: Litopys druku knyhy. Kharkiv: Vyd-vo Kn. palaty URSR, 1953, № 11, s. 6.
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Garchev, P. I. 1969. Chervona Hvardiia Ukrainy u Zhovtnevii revoliutsii. [Red household Troops of Ukraine are in October revolution]. Kharkiv: KhDU. 268 s. (In Ukrainian)
Garchev, P. I. 1970a. Chervona hvardiia v borotbi za peremohu Velykoi Zhovtnevoi Sotsialistychnoi revoliutsii na Ukraini. Dys. na zdob. nauk. stup. d-ra ist. nauk. Kh, (MVSSO URSR, Khark. derzh. un-t ist. fak.) [Red guards in struggle for a victory of the Great October Socialist revolution in Ukraine] Doctor’s thesis. (In Ukrainian)
Garchev, P. I. 1970b. Krasnaya gvardiya v borbe za pobedu Velikoy Oktyabrskoy sotsialisticheskoy revolyutsii na Ukraine: Avtoref. dis. na soisk. uchen. step. doct. ist. nauk (07.571) [Red guards in struggle for a victory of the Great October Socialist revolution in Ukraine] Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis ]. A. M. Gorky Kharkov state university. Kharkov. 58 s. (In Russian)
Garchev, P. I. 1973. Mykola Oleksandrovych Rudniev [Nikolay Aleksandrovich Rudnev]. Kharkov: Prapor. 113 s. (In Ukrainian)
IstorikZNU. 40 rokiv – istorikZNU – sait istorychnoho fakultetu ZNU [40 years - istorikZNU - a site of historical faculty of the Zaporozhye national university]. (In Ukrainian)
ESU. Entsyklopediia Suchasnoi Ukrainy. 2006. [The encyclopaedia of Modern Ukraine]. Kyiv, tom 5. 727 s. (In Ukrainian)
Garchev, P. I. et al. 1990. Respublika Tavrida [Republic Taurida]. Kyiv: Politvydav Ukrainy. 127 s. (In Ukrainian)
Garchev, P. I. 1997a. Russkaya istoriografiya XII–XVII vekov [Russian historiography 12-17 of centuries]. Simferopol: Vsekryimskoe obschestvo «Prosvita» imeni Tarasa Shevchenko. 55 s. (In Russian)
Garchev, P. I. 1996. Velykyi borets za nezalezhnist Ukrainy. [A large fighter is for independence of Ukraine]. Simferopol: Vsekrymske tovarystvo «Prosvita» imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Istor. ser., vyp. 1. 13 s. (In Ukrainian)
Garchev, P. I. 1997b. Tavry v Krymu, Prychornomori i na Tamani v XIII st. do n.e. – XIII st. n.e. [Tauris in Crimea, Prichernomori and on Tamani in the 13 item BC - 13 item AD]. Symferopol: Vsekrymske tovarystvo «Prosvita» imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Istor. ser., vyp. 2. 13 s. (In Ukrainian)
Garchev, P. I. 1997с. Ukrainonenavysnytstvo i yoho ystorychni ta suchasni korni [Hatred to Ukraine both its historical and modern reasons]. Simferopol: Vsekrymske tovarystvo «Prosvita» imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Istor. ser., vyp. 3. 15 s. (In Ukrainian)
Garchev, P. I. 1999а. Istoriya organov vnutrennih del Ukrainyi i zarubezhnyih stran. Uchebnoe posobie [History of law-enforcement bodies of Ukraine and foreign countries. The Manual]. Simferopol. 97 s. (In Russian)
Garchev, P. I. 1999b. Tavry Krymu, Prychornomoria i Kubani – predky ukraintsiv. Zbirnyk prats 1996–1999 rr. [Tauris of Krima, Prichornomorja and Kuban are ancestors of Ukrainians. The collection of articles 1996-1999]. Simferopol: Dolia. 39 s. (In Ukrainian)
Garchev, P. I. 2001. Pervisne suspilstvo i pochatok derzhavotvorennia na terytorii Ukrainy (do rozghromu skifskoho tsarstva) [Primitive society and beginning of creation of the state areon territory of Ukraine before the defeat of scythian reign]. Siymferopol: Dolia. 175 s. (In Ukrainian)
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Stanchev, M. 2016. Bolgari v Rossiyskoy imperii, SSSR, stranah Baltii i SNG. [Bulgarians in the Russian empire, the USSR, the Baltic States and the CIS]. Kharkov: Kontrast, tom 2. 592 s. (In Russian)
How to Cite
Елисеева, Н. (2020). Petr Garchev (1923-2001) is the Ukrainian Historian from Malogo Buyalyika. Drinovsky Sbornik, 12, 87-93.