Bulgarians – musical figures of the Republic of Moldova

  • Николай Червенков
Keywords: Bessarabian Bulgarians, popular creation, classical music, tradition, culture, pedagogy


This article brings in discussion the remarkable contribution of the Bessarabian Bulgarians, natives from Moldova and Ukraine, to the formation of the musical patrimony of Moldova and to its promotion all over the world. There is a special emphasis on the creation of such personalities from the domain as Ana Belicevicina, Ion Bas, Strezev dinasty, Petru Stoianov and others. It is mentioned that the Bessarabian Bulgarians manifested not just as famous interpreters of popular and classical music, but as theoreticians of music and pedagogues as well.
Bulgarians endured the rich traditions of the musical creativity of their people. The first settlers brought with them from their native lands also the enormous song-musical wealth of the Bulgarian people, which, like a baton, passed on to subsequent generations. In every village, everyone who had a voice sang – both old and young. For every kind of work, for every rite there was a corresponding song. Among the Bulgarians were people who knew dozens and even hundreds of songs. The richness of the repertoire and mastery in the second half of the 19 – early 20th centuries such national singers and singers as Elena Yankova (1825-1901) and her daughter Kina Yaneva (Bolgrad), Stepanida Varbanskaya (Priazovye), Sava Peltek (Vaisal), Anton Kara and Ivan Arabadzhi (Taraklia ), Vasily Turlak (Korten). There is a lot of information about this.


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How to Cite
Червенков, Н. (2020). Bulgarians – musical figures of the Republic of Moldova. Drinovsky Sbornik, 12, 100-107. https://doi.org/10.7546/DS.2019.12.11