The scientific work of historian Vira Zhuk (1928-2008) examining Ukrainian-Bulgarian relations

Keywords: historian Vira Zhuk, Bulgarianism studies, Ukrainian-Bulgarian relations, ethnogenesis, origin, regionalism


The article is about the role that historian Vira Zhuk played in examining Ukrainian-Bulgarian relations. It shows historically, that Bulgarian literature in the historian’s heritage was diversified both thematically and chronologically. In the scientific heritage V. Zhuk organically combines the experience of archivist, teacher, historian and tireless practice. The analysis of her creative heritage undoubtedly represents an interest in terms of elucidating the internal logic of the development of domestic Bulgarian studies. Historical Bulgarian art in the creative heritage of V. Zhuk was varied both thematically and chronologically. An appeal to a wide range of historical sources, including well-known narrow circle of scientists, their thorough analysis, perfect work with facts, wide scientific range were typical for her exploration. Scientific Bulgarian intelligence V. Zhuk coincided with studies of foreign historiography. The analysis of the scientific work V. Zhuk helps to destroy stereotypes, to bring domestic science to a higher quality level, to get rid of bias. Due to the introduction into the scientific circulation of new, ancient Bulgarian sources, there were prospects for significant scientific research. V. Zhuk has developed ideas that are little known in Ukraine, but not in the world. Analyzing numerous sources and material evidence, the scientist built a sophisticated concept of the development of modern Ukrainian lands in ancient times, linking their historical development with Great Bulgaria. Such a vision of ancient history of Ukraine is based on a deep knowledge and analysis of sources and many years of scientific research. Every thesis of the scientist, every statement and the concept created was verified by the scholar with special care. The actual material worked out by V. Zhuk is important in studying the ancient history of the Ukrainian lands, especially if one is to draw attention to the aspect that the ancient tribes have a close connection with the Slavic tribes. This is confirmed by the fact that the history of Bulgaria and Ukraine has close genetic and ethnic roots, which were formed at the beginning of the 7th century, and their active development was in the 9-13th centuries.


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How to Cite
Петренко, І. (2020). The scientific work of historian Vira Zhuk (1928-2008) examining Ukrainian-Bulgarian relations. Drinovsky Sbornik, 12, 115-125.