Between two empires: Baltic countries and Ukraine in 1918

  • Анатолій Русначенко Department of philosophy and history Volodymyr Vernadsky Taurida National University
Keywords: Baltic states, Ukraine, Russia, Germany, revolution, independence, empire


In the article author discuss about prerequisites of proclamations and conditions of the early existence Baltic countries and Ukraine during WWI and in 1918. By this title I mean the permanent residence of the peoples of Baltic and Ukraine, and then corresponding states of these peoples between the German empire that was at the peak of its possibilities, thеn was in decline in result of the defeat in the World War I and the Russian/Soviet empire that was too in decline, but was in reconstructing in different type. In this connection I touch lately past by these peoples shortly. The main attention is directed toward the Baltic states, partly - to Ukraine. I think it is worth to point on the some common problems existing in these peoples during this and previous periods of time, particularly – level of modernization, tragedy and suffering brought by the
WWI. Peace and the land question were the most wanted aspirations of the masses. I write about the ways of gaining of independence in these countries in 1918 and reactions of both empires on it. In article I find out processes that led to formation of the national governments and the Soviet republics in these countries, their wars supported by the Soviet Russia or Germany.
It may be note that in Estonia the social preconditions for independence was more favorable then in Latvia and Lithuania, Ukraine. In Ukraine idea of the own state was proclaimed both in its Western part, under Austria-Hungarian rule and in its bigger East in Russia empire earlier thаn in Baltic nations. It seems that Ukraine was in better position to gain independence then Baltic peoples in 1918. Ukrainians concluded peaceful treaty with Germany. The former’ troops helped put off the Bolsheviks out the country. For the Baltic peoples and national movements the Germans were social oppressors and politically dominated for centuries, during WWI Germany was occupant majority of their territories. But level of national conscious here was higher than in Ukraine. The principal difference in Baltic and Ukrainian affairs was the importance for Russian Bolsheviks and the Whites of Ukraine in economic, political, cultural meaning.


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How to Cite
Русначенко, А. (2020). Between two empires: Baltic countries and Ukraine in 1918. Drinovsky Sbornik, 12, 217-228.