The Role of Communicative Practices by V. B. Antonovich in the Formation of Own Scientific School (the end of the 70s - 80s of the 19th century)

Keywords: V. B. Antonovich, communication practices, scientific school


The article shows the inheritance by students and followers of V. B. Antonovich not only of his source-study research methodology, but also of the theory and practice of archival and museum work, archeographic work. Highlighted the main methods of communication professors with students, teachers and staff of the University of St. Vladimir. The concrete examples show the formation of V. B. Antonovich among his most talented students is motivation for scientific work. The school leader used practically all kinds of scientific communication: formal and informal, oral and written, direct and correspondence, etc. Primary formal and interpersonal informal oral communication (both planned and spontaneous) became the main type of communicative practices of V. B. Antonovich during the formation of his own scientific school.
During the seminars there was a reading and source-study analysis of mainly acts documents. Students of V. B. Antonovich were confident in the greater information value among the historical sources of the actual materials. Participation of students in a special scientific circle, as well as in groups for compiling the Ukrainian language dictionary and the staging of the historical and geographical dictionary of Ukrainian lands contributed to their further scientific career. V. B. Antonovich sometimes took part in the search for the necessary materials for the research of his students, provided his own books and archival extracts. He not only helped in obtaining the appropriate qualification (Master in Russian history) and in employment.
The direct transfer of teachers’ thoughts and ideas through communication with students (lectures, seminars, regular conversations with students and dissertations, and letters in which the professor gave advice on research) was very important in the process of forming young scientists. The professor also indirectly influenced his students - through his own scientific work. Fruitful communication of V. B. Antonovich with his students allowed not only to create his own scientific school, but also gave a significant impetus to the development of national historiography as a whole.


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How to Cite
Богдашина, О., & Китиченко, Т. (2020). The Role of Communicative Practices by V. B. Antonovich in the Formation of Own Scientific School (the end of the 70s - 80s of the 19th century). Drinovsky Sbornik, 12, 251-260.