Formation of the language personality in the era of globalization

  • Вікторія Сухенко Department of Ukrainian studies and language preparation of foreign citizens, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
Keywords: the modern Ukrainian language, language norm, lexis, globalism, the language personality


The article analyzes the ways and consequences of the affect the globalization processes have, on the modern Ukrainian language; innovations of the late nineteenth century vocabulary, that influenced changes of lingual mind, his or her mentality and the formation of modern language personality, which are emerging in society and developing on the ground of self-performance and secured social relationships and interactions ability, and which is a condition and a product of culture, has been thought. All peculiarities of that society, in which they are (i.e. economic and social structure, peculiarities of daily life, social system of intelligent qualities and character features, that are appraised by society and gained in the process of education and upbringing) reflect in the specifics of individuals’ thinking.
In the lingual practice of each new generation some specific language peculiarities appear and they are different from the speaking of its predecessors. Due to this the important tendency of the development of national vocabulary begin to be the fashion of separate lexical units, which influence the emergence of the modern lingual personality.
Fashionable words are the specific layer of lexis which have words of foreign origin, stylistically confined ones which differ with strange sounds and semantics, high constancy of using them, i.e. which are in the focus of spearheaded lingual attention of modern human.
The work given characterizes the concept of “globalism” as a result of adaptation of lingual elements at the phonetical, grammatical and graphical levels. The abilities of the globalization process on how to enrich language, since the flaw of information transmitted has enlarged and qualitatively enriched itself, the information, and on how to shake the language norm, destabilize lingual life, have been analyzed.
The conclusions have been made about that is necessarily to define the strategy of the further development of the Ukrainian lexical found in the modern informative environment, necessarily to control the stage of entering of the Ukrainian nation into the globalized world, and that language processes of the modern period should be kept under control by specialists.


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How to Cite
Сухенко, В. (2020). Formation of the language personality in the era of globalization. Drinovsky Sbornik, 12, 279-283.