Ukrainian Art Medieval Studies in Higher Education of 1960–1980s: the Boundaries of the Possible (Reflections on Scientific Contribution of Yakim Zapasko)

  • Оксана Маланчук-Рибак Lviv National Academy of Arts
Keywords: art medieval studies, hand-written book, Yakim Zapasko


The article analyzes the sociopolitical, cultural and scientific contexts of the development of Ukrainian art medieval studies. A prominent person in the art history of the second half of the twentieth century was Professor Yakim Zapasko. His main achievements as a medieval art critic, in particular those concerning the history of the Ukrainian hand-written book, have been found out. The main attention is focused on the problem of the possibilities and limitations of the Ukrainian Soviet art medieval studies.


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How to Cite
Маланчук-Рибак, О. (2019). Ukrainian Art Medieval Studies in Higher Education of 1960–1980s: the Boundaries of the Possible (Reflections on Scientific Contribution of Yakim Zapasko). Drinovsky Sbornik, 11, 377-383.