About Karanman Literature as a Source of Knowledge on Biblical History and Predictions (in Connection with the Issue of the Use of Written Language and Language by the Gagauzians)

  • Елизавета Квилинкова Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova


This article discusses the importance of Karamanlis literature on the religious development of the Gagauz people. It is noted that until the beginning of the twentieth century Karmelicka literature for the Gagauz was the only opportunity of obtaining religious knowledge in a relatively meaningful way. It is emphasized that it is thanks to her, Gagauz quite a long time to maintain their Orthodox religious identity. It is concluded that the Gagauz national intelligentsia in the face of the clergy involved in the translation of religious literature into the native language, repelled by Karamanlis books.


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How to Cite
Квилинкова, Е. (2019). About Karanman Literature as a Source of Knowledge on Biblical History and Predictions (in Connection with the Issue of the Use of Written Language and Language by the Gagauzians). Drinovsky Sbornik, 11, 298-304. https://doi.org/10.7546/DS.2018.11.35