Polish contribution to the European and Euro-atlantic integration projects
This article is dedicated to an important area of discussion about European identity and the importance of integration projects for the present. The project of the European Union seems to be in a serious crisis, visible particularly hard from the perspective of the countries that aspire to be members od this organization. Integration project is not new and certainly requires bringing important questions. In such a situation, a good way to deeper reflection is delving into the roots of integration. The author of this paper proposes the Ukrainian reader to take a look of the Polish perspective. He describes two important thinker and Polish politicians and their contribution to political thought of modern Europe. One of them, Oskar Halecki was a historian, a university teacher, the second Joseph Retinger - a politician, a practicing diplomat and initiator of many interesting political projects in post-war Europe. We owe Halecki many works popularizing over the World historiographical perspective of Central European. Retinger we owe a number of ideas implemented by the founding fathers of the European Union. It’s significant the fact that Retinger worked on the creation of the Council of Europe and then joined actively in the creation of an informal group of Bilderberg, that overgrown by black legend and number of myths. Contribution to European integration processes, represented by both Poles, is not exactly known and appreciated. Presented text brings this issue.
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