Об одной из групп населения восточноукраиской лесостепи в эпоху палеометалла

  • С. И. Берестнев



S. Berestnev. On One of the Groups of Inhabitants of East-Ukrainian Forest-Steppe Zone in Paleometallic Age

In the article Aeneolithic East Ukrainian forest-steppe zone's tombstones are analyzed and the conclusions on multi-component structure of inhabitants of the region in the Early Metallic Age are made. Burial mounds and flat burial places with slightly bended backbones, unstable orientation and poor equipment correspond with the inhabitants that left the settlements of the Drought type. At the same time at the forest-steppe zone the post-Mariupol and Sredny Stog communities' groupings existed.


Як цитувати
Берестнев, С. И. (2016). Об одной из групп населения восточноукраиской лесостепи в эпоху палеометалла. Давнина. Харківський історико-археологічний щорічник, 5. вилучено із https://periodicals.karazin.ua/drevnosti/article/view/5193

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