One More Tower-water cistern of Genoese Fortress cembalo (XIV—XV cent.)

  • С. В. Дьячков
Keywords: Genoese of Gazzary, Cembalo, fortress buildings, tower № 5, water cistern


The article is devoted to the newest excavations of Genoese Fortress Cembalo (XIV—XV cent.) that took place on the territory of St. Nicolas city. In the result of the excavations of the tower № 5 in 2013 one more cistern for keeping water was discovered. It was a part of a complex water-supply system of the fortress and the city of Cembalo. It was found out that the cistern was build after the pivotal rebuilding of the tower in the third quarter of XV century. Unlike the other fortress cistern the water reservoir of the tower № 5 was made of bricks. With the help of the excavations of the tower № 5 a unique set of arbalest arrows and iron lamellas of the protective armour were revealed.


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How to Cite
Дьячков, С. В. (2016). One More Tower-water cistern of Genoese Fortress cembalo (XIV—XV cent.). Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 13, 350-356. Retrieved from

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