Wars in the North, from Philip II to Lysimachus

  • Петр Делев St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia (Sofia, Bulgaria), Department of Ancient History and Thracian Studies, Professor of Faculty of History
Keywords: Macedonia, North Black Sea area, Danube, philip II, Alexander the Great, Zopyrion, Lysimachus.


The rather scanty ancient literary tradition on the interrelations between the Balkans and the North Black Sea area contains many accounts of military campaigns and conflicts. The present paper discusses several military expeditions, carried out over a comparatively short period of time, between 339 and 291 B.C., all in the same direction: from south to north. The first of these was lead by philip II against the Scythian king Atheas in 339 B. C., the second — by his son Alexander the Great against the Triballi in 335 B. C., the third brought about, at an uncertain date between 332 and 325 B. C., the disaster of the Mace- donian general Zopyrion somewhere in the North, and the remaining two were the wars of Lysimachus against the Getic king Dromichaetes. Our information on all five conflicts is very incomplete and many uncertainties surround their chronological, geographical and factual aspects. Attention is drawn on the aims of these five campaigns, which are among the prob- lems most hotly discussed by modern historians. The author defends the opinion that there was no systematic and coordinated Macedonian plan for expansion in the North; the sev- eral military expeditions between 339 and 191 B.C. had each their particular objectives, were aimed at different territories and do not seem to have been practically connected in any feasible way.


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How to Cite
Делев, П. (2018). Wars in the North, from Philip II to Lysimachus. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 15(15), 142-152. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/drevnosti/article/view/11234
Thracian Lands and North. Black Sea Coast in the Ancient Period