Horse Remains from Belozerka culture Monuments of south Moldova

  • Роман Васильевич Кройтор Aix-Marselle University, Laboratoire méditerranéen de préhistoire Europe Afrique (LAMPEA), Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme (MMSH) (Aix-en-Provence, France), Associated Researcher; Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of Moldova (Chisinau, Moldova), Senior Researcher
Keywords: domestic horse remains, Equus ferus caballus, Moldova, Belozerka Culture, Late Bronze — Early Iron Age.


The article describes dental and postcranial remains of ancient domestic horses of various individual age from the archaeological monuments of Belozerla Culture Novosio- lovca-1 and Olanesti (Southern Moldova). Upper cheek teeth of the horses under study are characterized by relatively long and variable in shape protocone. Single preserved meta- carpal and metatarsal bones from Novosiolovca-1 are quite elongated and slender, showing a close resemblance to the mean measurement values of horse remains from Late Bronze age and Early Iron Age from Southeast Europe. phalanxes of the ancient horses from Novosiolovca-1 and Olanesti are slender and elongated too, especially the second anterior phalanxes from Novosiolovca. Generally, the postcranial measurements of the horses under study correspond to the semi-thin legged type with “average height” in withers (144–136 cm). One of horse individuals from Novosiolovca-1 shows a specific wear of second upper mo- lar caused by a snaffle bit.


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How to Cite
Кройтор, Р. В. (2018). Horse Remains from Belozerka culture Monuments of south Moldova. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 15(15), 88-98. Retrieved from