Influence of complex formation on physical properties of nucleic acid components

  • Yu.V Rubin ILTPE, NASU
  • М. Shukla CCMSI
  • J. Podoljan CCMSI
  • A.Yu.Rubina ILTPE, NASU
  • J. Leszczynski CCMSI
Keywords: cytosine, guanine, 5-azacytosine, base pairs, complexes with metal ions, hydrogen bonds, carbonyl group, hydratation, quantum-mechanical calculations


Calculations of bond lengths, IR spectra, and the electronic structure of major nucleic acid bases, complexes: 5-azacytosine-guanine, 5-azacytosine-guanine with 8 molecules of water, 5-azacytosine with 5 molecules of water, and complexes adenine tautomers with Zn2+ were carried out by MP2 and DFT methods. It was shown that modern calculation methods (MP2 and DFT) with basis set 6-31**G allow due to calculating quit well (within 1%) length of carbonyl bonds in nucleic acid components and to estimate its changes when complexes are forming. An estimation of the length of the carbonyl bond was made on the basis of experimental and calculated data, depending on the number of hydrogen bonds formed. An empirical dependence between the bond length of the carbonyl group and its vibration frequency was built. A significant charge transfer followed by the re-distribution of electron density on the adenine molecule takes place when complexes of adenine tautomers with Zn2+ ions are forming.


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Author Biographies

Yu.V Rubin , ILTPE, NASU

Kharkov, 61103, Ukraine

М. Shukla , CCMSI

Jackson, 39217, USA   

J. Podoljan, CCMSI

Jackson, 39217, USA   

A.Yu.Rubina , ILTPE, NASU

Kharkov, 61103, Ukraine

J. Leszczynski, CCMSI

Jackson, 39217, USA   


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How to Cite
Rubin , Y., Shukla М., Podoljan , J., Rubina , A., & Leszczynski , J. (2006). Influence of complex formation on physical properties of nucleic acid components. Biophysical Bulletin, 1(15), 15-23. Retrieved from