Mathematikal modelling of oxygen diffusion and consumption in cylindrical shape tumor surrounding the blood vessel

  • N. S. Ponomarenko Kharkiv national medical university
Keywords: mathematical modeling, malignant tumor, oxygen diffusion, normoxia, hypoxia


In present work mathematical modeling of processes of oxygen diffusion and consumption in a tumor of
the cylindrical shape supplied with oxygen by a capillary, taking place along a tumor axis is proposed.
Cases purely hypoxic tumor and tumor having both normoxic areas and hypoxic areas were considered.
The analytical expressions for the description of the dependence of oxygen concentration in any point of a
tumor from distance between this point and a vessel axis were received. Possible values model parameters
or ranges of possible values of parameters of models were discussed.


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Author Biography

N. S. Ponomarenko, Kharkiv national medical university

4 Lenin ave., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Ponomarenko, N. S. (1). Mathematikal modelling of oxygen diffusion and consumption in cylindrical shape tumor surrounding the blood vessel. Biophysical Bulletin, 1(24). Retrieved from
Biophysics of complex systems