Cell stress response to combined ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and magnetic fields: a review based on human buccal epithelium cells
Background: The impact of low-dosed ionizing radiation (IR) itself and in combination with the other damaging physical factors such as extremely high frequency (EHF) microwaves and magnetic fields (MF) is currently the object of numerous researches. Results of those investigations, however, still didn’t lead to certain unequivocal conclusions.
Objectives: This paper presents the review and analysis of previously conducted experimental series in comparison with adjacent-aimed works to make a step forward in understanding the role of low doses of ionizing, non-ionizing radiation and magnetic field in the development of cellular effects.
Results: Ultra-low doses of both IR itself and with EHF and MF have triggering effects which included variability of IR effect modification; the significance of even non-ionizing radiation effects was shown on the example of ultra-wideband microwaves irradiation. Combined effects from gamma-IR with EHF microwaves and MF on chromatin led to decrease of heterochromatin granules quantity (HGQ) but affected the cell membrane permeability (CMP) rate greater than IR itself. Mitochondrial activity inhibition and cytoplasm Ca2+ decrease was detected under exposure to both IR and EHF-microwaves and their combination; MF slightly increased mitochondrial membrane potential and showed no significant changes in Ca2+ migration to the nucleus when applied together with IR. Exposure to neutron radiation revealed the maximum of chromatin condensation rate and cell membrane permeability up to the dose 36.5 mSv. Further dose increase returned the state of chromatin and cell membrane to control levels.
Conclusions: Vague effect of ultra-low doses of IR with modifying abilities of EHF-microwaves and MF was shown on the example of HGQ. Effects of high doses of gamma-radiation were also modified by both EHF-microwaves and MF at indexes of HGQ (decrease), CMP (increase), mitochondrial activity (decrease) and Ca2+ nucleus/cytoplasm redistribution. Irradiation with fast neutrons in low-to-medium dose range led to the development of cell stress signs (HGQ/CMP increase) which were smoothed under the dose increase.
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