Effect of side groups of phenanthridines on their hetero¬association with antibiotic daunomycin and the competitive binding with a DNA oligomer.

  • A.N. Veselkov Department of Physics and Chemistry, Sevastopol National Technical University
  • A.O. Lantushenko Department of Physics and Chemistry, Sevastopol National Technical University
  • Santiago A. Hernandez Department of Physics and Mathematics, University of Puebla
  • D.B. Davies School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Birkbeck College, University of London
Keywords: Phenanthridines, Azido-derivatives, Daunomycin, NMR spectroscopy, Hetero-association, Competitive Binding to DNA


500 MHz 'H NMR spectroscopy has been used to study the hetero-association of phenanthndine dyes, containing different side groups in the chromophore, with anthracycline antibiotic daunomycin (DAU) and the competitive binding of aromatic dye/drug molecules with a DNA oligomer 5'-d(TpGpCpA ). The magnitudes of the hetero- association parameters of Ethidium Bromide (EB) and its azido-denvatives, 8-azido-Ethidium Bromide (EMB) and 3,8-Diazido-Ethidium Chloride (EDC) with DAU show a successive decrease with mono and di-substitution ot the 3,8-amino groups of EB due to less probability of the formation of an intermolecular hydrogen bond between the amino groups of EB and the 9 MeCO group of DAU. Analysis has shown that the equilibrium balance of self- association, hetero-association and dye/drug-DNA binding depends on solution conditions. In order to elucidate the molecular complexation processes in multi-component equilibria occurring in mixed solution (including mutagen, aromatic antibiotic and DNA), it is necessary to take into account not only the hetero-association of the aromatic molecules but also the competition between drug and mutagen for the oligonucleotide binding sitesю.


Author Biographies

A.N. Veselkov, Department of Physics and Chemistry, Sevastopol National Technical University

Sevastopol, 99053, Crimea, Ukraine

A.O. Lantushenko, Department of Physics and Chemistry, Sevastopol National Technical University

Sevastopol, 99053, Crimea, Ukraine

Santiago A. Hernandez , Department of Physics and Mathematics, University of Puebla

Puebla, 72570, Mexico

D.B. Davies , School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Birkbeck College, University of London

Gordon House, 29 Gordon Square, London WCIH 0PP, UK


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How to Cite
Veselkov, A., Lantushenko, A., Hernandez , S. A., & Davies , D. (2002). Effect of side groups of phenanthridines on their hetero¬association with antibiotic daunomycin and the competitive binding with a DNA oligomer. Biophysical Bulletin, 2(11), 5-13. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/biophysvisnyk/article/view/18452