Molecular dynamics study of molecular mechanism of caffeine and actinocin derivatives interaction with DNA. I. Investigation of monomer and dimer structure of actinocin derivative in ion-hydrate environment

  • D.B. Anischenko V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University
  • E.G. Bereznyak Institute for Radiophysics & Electronics NAS Ukraine
  • A.V. Shestopalova Institute for Radiophysics & Electronics NAS Ukraine
  • V.Ya. Maleev Institute for Radiophysics & Electronics NAS Ukraine
Keywords: actinocin derivatives, dimerization, hydration, molecular dynamics method, ab initio


Interactions of the actinomycin derivative in monomeric and dimeric forms with the ion-hydration environment are studied by the molecular dynamics method. The influence of ions present in the solution for total molecular charge and character of ligand hydration is taken into account. Hydration schemes are in agreement with the experimental data for all systems under consideration. Structures of the most probable forms of the dimers are obtained and stabilizing forces in such complexes are analyzed.


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Author Biographies

D.B. Anischenko, V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University

4 Svobody sq., Kharkov, 61077, Ukraine

E.G. Bereznyak, Institute for Radiophysics & Electronics NAS Ukraine

12 Acad.Proskura str., Kharkov, Ukraine, 61085

A.V. Shestopalova, Institute for Radiophysics & Electronics NAS Ukraine

12 Acad.Proskura str., Kharkov, Ukraine, 61085

V.Ya. Maleev, Institute for Radiophysics & Electronics NAS Ukraine

12 Acad.Proskura str., Kharkov, Ukraine, 61085


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How to Cite
Anischenko, D., E.G. Bereznyak, E., A.V. Shestopalova, A., & Maleev, V. (2002). Molecular dynamics study of molecular mechanism of caffeine and actinocin derivatives interaction with DNA. I. Investigation of monomer and dimer structure of actinocin derivative in ion-hydrate environment. Biophysical Bulletin, 1(10), 36-41. Retrieved from