Change of different haemoglobin form content in solution after heating

  • P. V. Voloshin Kharkov State University of Technology and Management of Nutrition
  • A. I. Cherevko Kharkov State University of Technology and Management of Nutrition
  • E. D. Rozanova Kharkov State University of Technology and Management of Nutrition
  • V. A. Kovalenko Kharkov State University of Technology and Management of Nutrition
  • V. V. Yevlash Kharkov State University of Technology and Management of Nutrition
Keywords: heamoglobin, Fe2 , heating, spectrophotometry, ascorbate, lysine, sacharose


The effect of ascorbat, lysin and sacharose addition to the solution on oxigenation of haem iron was studied. Concentration of different haemoglobin forms was measured spectrofotometrically. Dramatical decrease of methaemoglobin fromation under heating was established in presence of sacharose.


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Author Biographies

P. V. Voloshin, Kharkov State University of Technology and Management of Nutrition

333 Klochkovskaya St., Kharkov 61000

A. I. Cherevko, Kharkov State University of Technology and Management of Nutrition

333 Klochkovskaya St., Kharkov 61000

E. D. Rozanova, Kharkov State University of Technology and Management of Nutrition

333 Klochkovskaya St., Kharkov 61000

V. A. Kovalenko, Kharkov State University of Technology and Management of Nutrition

333 Klochkovskaya St., Kharkov 61000

V. V. Yevlash, Kharkov State University of Technology and Management of Nutrition

333 Klochkovskaya St., Kharkov 61000


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How to Cite
Voloshin, P. V., Cherevko, A. I., Rozanova, E. D., Kovalenko, V. A., & Yevlash, V. V. (2018). Change of different haemoglobin form content in solution after heating. Biophysical Bulletin, 2(13), 100-103. Retrieved from
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