Effect of an ionizing radiation and low temperatures on structural - dynamic state of blood proteins

  • V. A. Zidenko Kharkov National University
  • S. V. Gatash Kharkov National University
  • G. P. Gorbenko Kharkov National University https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0954-5053
Keywords: fibrinogen, albumin, structural changes, gamma-radiation, freezing, rate of freezing, method of quenching of fluorescence


The structural changes of such blood proteins as albumin and fibrinogen at the influence of gamma-radiation in doses 18 and 45 Gy and freezing with rates 2000C/min and 10C/min were investigated by the method of quenching of tryptophane fluorescence by acrylamide, Cs+, КJ-. It was determined that such factors influence on structural stiffness of proteins and environment of their chromophores. The comparative characteristic of the influence of gamma-radiation and freezing with different doses and rates is shown. The revealed different directivity of effects in studied proteins is explained by qualitative difference of their native conformation.


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Author Biographies

V. A. Zidenko, Kharkov National University

4 Svobody sq.,61077, Kharkov, Ukraine

S. V. Gatash, Kharkov National University

4 Svobody sq.,61077, Kharkov, Ukraine

G. P. Gorbenko, Kharkov National University

4 Svobody sq.,61077, Kharkov, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Zidenko, V. A., Gatash, S. V., & Gorbenko, G. P. (2018). Effect of an ionizing radiation and low temperatures on structural - dynamic state of blood proteins. Biophysical Bulletin, 2(13), 97-99. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/biophysvisnyk/article/view/12445
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