Awareness of parents of primary school children in the city of Brest about the prevention of school-related pathology

  • Natalia Pats Grodno State Medical University
  • Maria Grechanik Grodno State Medical University
  • Anna Zinovchik Grodno State Medical University
Keywords: society, family relations, drug addiction, causes of adolescent drug addiction, drug prevention, drug distribution


Summary. School-related health disorders are postural disorders and visual disturbances, and these disorders tend to increase during schooling. One of the reasons for this situation is the lack of awareness of parents about the factors that affect postural disorders, organizational measures to prevent the formation of these pathological conditions.

The aim of the study was to determine the awareness of parents of school-age children about the prevention of school-related pathology.

Materials and Methods. A survey of 1110 parents of primary school students (first and fifth grades) was conducted on the factors that contribute to the formation of deviations from the musculoskeletal system and visual organs, the organization of the child's workplace when doing homework, visual load.

Results. 75 % of surveyed parents of first-graders and 66 % of surveyed parents of fifth-graders whose children have postural disorders agree that posture problems can lead to problems with the learning process. and its illumination. When analyzing the choice of student desks, the number of parents (28% of first-graders and 39% of fifth-graders) who would prefer desks with a flat work surface, as well as parents who are hesitant to answer this question (8 % - parents of first-graders and 26 % - parents of fifth-graders). Against the background of increasing deviations from the musculoskeletal system and visual organs among students from first to fifth grade, take place are unsatisfactory parental awareness of the time of use of gadgets according to age, the optimal distance to the work surface and its lighting, the optimal working position for desk and corrective gymnastics. Conclusions. The obtained data are the basis for the introduction of educational programs for parents and students whose goal is to develop sustainable knowledge and skills to prevent the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and visual organs.


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Author Biographies

Natalia Pats , Grodno State Medical University

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology of the Educational Establishment "Grodno State Medical University", Grodno, Belarus

Maria Grechanik, Grodno State Medical University

4th year student of the Pediatric Faculty of the Educational Establishment "Grodno State Medical University", Grodno, Belarus

Anna Zinovchik , Grodno State Medical University

4th year student of the pediatric faculty of the Educational Establishment "Grodno State Medical University", Grodno, Belaru


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How to Cite
Pats , N., Grechanik, M., & Zinovchik , A. (2021). Awareness of parents of primary school children in the city of Brest about the prevention of school-related pathology. Actual Problems of Modern Medicine, (8).
Children and adolescents health care