Stenting of esophageal anastomosis.
This study based on the experience of treatment of 57 patients who previously were operated at the clinic for cancer of the stomach and esophagus. These patients had complications in the form of esophageal anastomotic leakage and esophageal anastomotic stricture. There were 9 patients with esophageal-gastric anastomotic leakage , 11 patients with esophageal - intestinal anastomotic leakage, 20 patients with a stricture of esophageal - gastric anastomosis, 17 patients with a stricture of esophageal - intestinal anastomosis. All the patients were undergone stenting of esophageal anastomosis. The results of using this method of treatment were estimated. Stenting of the esophagus with self-expandable stents with a coating is a method of choice for the treatment of patients with insolvency of esophageal anastomosis and avoids traumatic surgery, especially in weakened patients, as well as helps to save lives in patients with these severe complications. When scarring strictures of esophageal anastomosis, especially when other methods of treatment (boughing, balloon dilatation) fail, stenting is also a very effective minimally invasive method that can restore the passage of the gastrointestinal tract and improve the quality of life of the patient, as well as an alternative to traumatic surgery to correct stricture of esophageal anastomosis .
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