About the Journal

Dear colleagues!

The founder of the journal “Actual problems of modern medicine” is the School of Medicine of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. This year, the faculty celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of its revival. Such prominent figures as I. I. Mechnikov, Nobel Prize laureate in immunology, L. D. Landau, Nobel Prize laureate in physics, S. A. Kuznets, Nobel Prize laureate in economics studied and worked at Karazin University. The life and activities of such famous medical scientists as F. I. Inozemtsev, P. M. Shumlyanskyi, D. F. Lyambl, I. P. Shchelkov, M. S. Borakius, L. L. Hirshman, M. A. Popov, P. I. Kovalevskyi, V. Ya. Danilevskyi and many other outstanding personalities of the medical world are connected with the university.

Today, the School of Medicine of Karazin University is one of the leading educational institutions that train highly qualified doctors of the international level. A high level of training allows graduates of our School of Medicine to easily integrate into the modern health care system and carry out clinical and scientific work at the highest level. The journal “Current problems of modern medicine” aims to highlight scientific and practical achievements in the field of medicine.

Chief editor, Doctor of Medicine, Full Professor. M. M. Popov












Journal concept, industry and issues.

Starting from 2023 the main scientific and practical direction of the journal is immunology and allergology. In 2023 the journal has been published twice a year, starting from 2024 it will be published 4 times. Articles on fundamental and clinical immunology and allergology, as well as works on transplantology, oncology, surgery, therapy, pediatrics and other areas of medicine, will be accepted for publication, which will cover the issues of immunopathogenesis, immunopathological processes, immunodiagnostics, immunotherapy, immunoprophylaxis and immunorehabilitation.

The field of immunology and allergology of the journal “Current problems of modern medicine” was chosen because the number of diseases in which immune processes play a leading role has increased significantly in recent years. There is a significant increase in the morbidity of the immune system itself, autoimmune diseases, as well as the development of chronic diseases associated with immunodeficiency states. At this time, there is also an intensification of the undefeated causative agents of global infections - tuberculosis, hepatitis, herpes virus infections, and new unknown infections with high contagiousness appear, to which the immune system shows its inability.

The rapid development of immunology puts new methods of immunodiagnostics and immunotherapy in the hands of doctors of various specialties. There are drugs based on cytokine blockers, chemokines and their receptors, monoclonal antibodies, and antilymphocyte drugs.

Therefore, one of the main tasks of the journal is to highlight new knowledge about the mechanisms of development of human diseases, modern approaches to their prevention and treatment. We hope that the journal will contribute to the development of immunological knowledge among doctors of various specialties, which is of great practical importance.


After the authors submit the manuscript the editor checks the materials in order to confirm that the latest meet the requirements and the profile of the present scientific periodical as well as the fact whether there are any illegal borrowings. In case the article doesn't comply with the requirements, it is to be rejected. Articles are published after receiving positive feedback from two reviewers appointed by the editors. Members of the editorial board of “Actual problems of modern medicine” scientific periodical, being experts in the field to which the submitted paper belongs, are invited to conduct peer reviewing as well as outside researchers whose interests coincide with the topic of work take part in the procedure. Reviewers evaluate the article taking into account topicality of the results, adequacy of the methods and compliance of the analysis with the conclusions, and make further decision to accept the article unchanged after eliminating the comments or deviations present in the paper. The present scientific periodical uses double-blind reviewing (the authors do not know the information about the reviewers, the reviewers do not know the authors).

The editor studies the reviewed materials, provides remarks, makes a decision about publication. The average time for passing the reviewing process is one to three months, depending on the fact whether the reviewers have comments demanding the authors to change the text of the article and then re-examine the text by reviewers.  As soon as the authors receive reviews of the articles, they are given two weeks to eliminate the comments of the reviewers and the editorial board.


This present scientific periodical practices the policy of immediate open access to published content, supporting the principles of free dissemination of scientific information and the global exchange of knowledge for the sake of general social progress.

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Righteous International Publication Standards for editors (OO Guzhva, I.O. Soldatenko, H, V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University, 2017)

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The Code of Ethics for the researchers

Ethical code of the doctor of Ukraine


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World Medical Association


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  4. Наукова періодика Каразінського університету
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Frequency of publication

The present scientific periodical is published twice a year. Materials are published after being approved by the Academic Council of the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.


Publications are free of charge.


The authors reserve the right to authorship of their work and transfer to the journal the right of the first publication under the terms of the  Creative Commons Attribution License International CC-BY that allows others to freely distribute the published work with a mandatory reference to the authors of the original work and the first publication of the work in this journal. 


Since 2018, the magazine has been released in electronic format.

ISSN 2617-409X – since 2018


V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.