About the Journal

Aim and Scope

Visnyk is devoted to the modern studies in the field of Earth Sciences (Geology, Geochemistry and Petrology, Mineralogy, Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Geotectonics, Geophysics, Earth-Surface Processes, Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology, Hydrogeology, Geomorphology, Physical Geography, Atmospheric Science, Hydrology, Oceanography, Remote Sensing of the Earth, GIS technologies, etc.), Environmental Science (Ecology, Ecological Modelling, Global and Planetary Change, Nature and Landscape Conservation, Pollution, etc.), Human Geography and Regional Studies.

“Visnyk” is intended for scientists, specialists and high school lectures.


Peer Review Process

 Double "blind" reviewing: the reviewer has no information about the authors, and the authors have no information about the reviewers. This is the so-called independent reviewing. There are at least 2 or more reviewers to review all the articles in the issue.


Publication Frequency

The journal is issued biannually (in June and in December)


Open Access Policy

 This journal is practicing a policy of immediate open access to published content, supporting the principles of the free flow of scientific information and global knowledge sharing for the common social progress.



 This journal uses LOCKSS for distributed archiving content published in numerous libraries and information centers. Libraries - participants of the LOCKSS project guarantee long-term storage of comprehensive journal archives and automatic restoration of damaged information. More


Publication ethics

The journal consequently compiles with editorial standards COPE Code of Conduct, approved by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). Besides, the journal supports AMWA–EMWA–ISMPP Joint Position Statement On Predatory Publishing and Sarajevo Declaration on Integrity and Visibility of Scholarly Publications.


The journal has no article processing charges (APCs).


Authorship and AI tools

 Authors should not list AI-assisted technologies, such as LLMs, chatbots, or image creators, as authors or co-authors. AI tools used in research or manuscript preparation must be transparently disclosed in the cover letter, acknowledgments, and methods section. Authors are responsible for accuracy, avoiding plagiarism, and guarding against AI-induced bias. Editors may reject manuscripts for inappropriate AI use, and reviewers must refrain from AI-generated reviews to maintain confidentiality.

See also: COPE position statement about authorship and AI tools

AI-generated images and other multimedia are not allowed in our journal without explicit permission from the editors.  Exceptions may be considered for content in manuscript directly related to AI or machine learning, subject to evaluation on an individual basis.


Policy of screening for plagiarism

Respect for intellectual property rights is a guiding principle of the professional ethics of the Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series «Geology. Geography. Ecology». Academic plagiarism is a clear violation of such ethical principles. In accordance with the Provisions on the system for prevention and detection of academic plagiarism in scientific and academic papers of the staff and students of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, the Editorial Board checks the articles admitted for publication for absence of academic plagiarism.

 The journal will reject any materials that don’t meet the anti-plagiarism requirements.

  Regarded as varieties of plagiarism are:

  • copying and publishing another person’s work as one’s own;
  • the word-for-word transcription of text fragments (from a sentence to a group of sentences) of another person’s work without quotation marks and citing the source.
  • making minor amendments in the copied material (rewording sentences, changing arrangement of words, etc.) without quotation marks and citing the source;
  • excessive use of paraphrasing (rewording of something written by someone else) without citing the source.

Papers submitted to the journal will be screened for plagiarism using plagiarism detection tools.  The editorial staff uses the online systems Strikeplagiarism.com and unicheck.com