Life Plans of High School Students of Odessa (by the Results of Monitoring Study)

  • Svitlana Romanenko Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 24/26, French Bul., Odessa, 65058, Ukraine,
Keywords: a monitoring, a high school student, life orientations


The author presents results of preliminary data analysis the last phase of the monitoring "High school student – 2016. Life orientations and attitudes; a contemporary family: parents, children", which organized by the sociologal Department of the Institute of social sciences of the Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University since 1993 with a period of three years. Presented information may be interesting as example of studying the current generation of school leavers and from the point of view of comparing the results of similar monitoring conducted by almost all regional offices of the Sociological Association of Ukraine. The author would like to offer to colleagues to join efforts on forming a common strategy of the next phase of monitoring in the framework of a common methodology under the guidance of the research Committee of the SAU. This strategy will create new prospects for the transition from the description of some facts, phenomena and processes, which are inherent to a city, a region, to search of common hypotheses, patterns and theories, which give the overall picture of Ukraine, and also suitable for cross-national (comparative) research.


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Author Biography

Svitlana Romanenko, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 24/26, French Bul., Odessa, 65058, Ukraine,

PHd in Sociological Science, Associate Professor of Department of Sociology of Institute of Social Science of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Vice-Director of Sociology of Institute of Social Science on Training specialists in the field of "Sociology"


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How to Cite
Romanenko, S. (2017). Life Plans of High School Students of Odessa (by the Results of Monitoring Study). Ukrainian Sociological Journal, 19(1-2), 58-64. Retrieved from