European Integration through Education Standards (on Example of PR-education in Ukraine)
PR, PR-education, ethical PR, PR-activity standards.
Professional public communications market in Ukraine is not developed and is far from the standards of this profession accepted in the world PR-community. Provision of a public dialogue, which is the mission of public relations, by definition, is often replaced in Ukraine by political technologies, branding, promotion and advertising. Potential of the profession, designed to ensure constructive relationship at different social levels, including external economic and political ones, is not used. The situation could be corrected by implementation of the new standards of PR-education in Ukraine, consolidation of academic and professional community with the purpose of student teaching and improvement of profession reputation.Downloads
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Королько В. PR-образование – дело престижа для PR-сообщества Украины [Электронный ресурс] / Валентин Королько. – Режим доступа :
Стойко М. PR-образование – образование длиною в жизнь [Электронный ресурс] / Марина Стойко // ProPR – все о PR [сайт]. – Режим доступа : ua/ru/public/view/14042.
How to Cite
Soldatenko, I., & Guzhva, O. (2017). European Integration through Education Standards (on Example of PR-education in Ukraine). Ukrainian Sociological Journal, (1-2), 90-93. Retrieved from
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