The Management Impact on Education Quality Providing under Modernization

  • Vitaliy Onischuk Institute of Social Sciences Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 24/26 French Bul., Odessa 65058, Ukraine
Keywords: quality of education, public administration, management mechanism, social policy, educational sphere


The article is dedicated to the search of effective administrative mechanisms of upgrading of quality of education in modern conditions. It is noted that the reason and the result of lowering the quality of modern education is the disagreement of the education and labor market. In the article the quality of education is presented as the multidimensional phenomenon. Indexes that characterize the quality of education at the level of the system, educational establishment and individual are analyzed. It is stressed that these indexes should be based on a conceptual basis, combined by the only bank of data within the information system and correlate with international norms.

The role of internal and external factors that determine the quality of education, in particular university education is revealed. To the objective factors the author refers the state of society on the whole and its separate spheres: economics, politics and culture. To the subjective factors that influence the quality of education, the author considers the place of education in the system of values of modern youth, motivation of receipt of education by students, their idea of quality education and satisfaction by the components of quality of education.

Organizational principles of improving the mechanism of state administration of quality of education are grounded. Attention is paid to the necessity of the differentiated approach to the analysis of administrative mechanisms of providing of quality of education. The author suggests to distinguish state and public mechanisms in the structure of these mechanisms.


Author Biography

Vitaliy Onischuk, Institute of Social Sciences Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 24/26 French Bul., Odessa 65058, Ukraine

Doctor of Sciences (Sociology), Full Professor, Head of a chair of Sociology,


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How to Cite
Onischuk, V. (2017). The Management Impact on Education Quality Providing under Modernization. Ukrainian Sociological Journal, (1-2), 10-13. Retrieved from