The Mission of Sociology

Keywords: sociology, applied sociology, professional (academic) sociology, public sociology, reflexive sociology, civil society


The article considers the role of sociology in the contemporary world. The necessity of collaboration and cooperation of sociology with civil society is justified. Definition of the agenda of sociological cognition and involvement of sociologists in solution of topical social problems on this basis is proved. Special attention is paid to development of professional (academic), applied, critical and public sociology, the organic unity and interdependence of all four types of sociological knowledge, their joint mission. It is emphasized that the mission of modern sociology in collaboration with the civil society is to find evidence-based solutions of social problems, to make social systems and institutions more humane, to direct its actions to overcome social inequality and injustice.


Author Biography

Vil Bakirov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svoboda Sq., Kharkov 61022, Ukraine

Doctor of Sciences (Sociology), Full Professor, Academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, President of Sociological Association of Ukraine, President,


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How to Cite
Bakirov, V. (2017). The Mission of Sociology. Ukrainian Sociological Journal, (1-2), 5-9. Retrieved from

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