Loneliness as a Youth Problem (Based on Results of Qualitative Research)

Keywords: isolation, individualization, identification, psychological and social well-being, self-esteem, communication, consequences of loneliness


This article analyzes loneliness as the problem of today’s youth. Attention is focused on the interdisciplinary nature of the scientific study of the problem. Some results of sociological research of domestic and Russian experts are given. Attention is focused on the relevance and applicability of qualitative heuristic methodology and techniques in the study of loneliness as a social and psychological phenomenon that is becoming common for young people, especially students. We consider the results of the author’s qualitative investigation, carried out among students of Lutsk National Technical University during the 2012-2013 academic year. On the basis of these results we concluded the peculiarities of the human perception of the nature and causes of modern students’ loneliness, positive and negative effects of the emotional state of future specialists with higher education and its impact on their psychological and social well-being.


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Author Biography

Olha Pimenova, Lutsk National Technical University, 75 Lviv str., Lutsk 43018, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Sociology, associate professor, department of philosophy, politology and law, pimka.ru@mail.ru


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How to Cite
Pimenova, O. (2015). Loneliness as a Youth Problem (Based on Results of Qualitative Research). Ukrainian Sociological Journal, (1-2), 82-86. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/usocjour/article/view/4424