Romantic and neotraditionalictic motifs of culture in reaction to urbanization processes in Ukrainian society

Keywords: depopulation of rural areas, migration to the cities, pop songs, son’ image, mother's sacrifice, neotraditionalism, romanticism


The article is devoted to the analysis of cultural reflection on urbanization of Ukrainian society. The problem of depopulation of rural areas in the second half of the twentieth century,  that has led to mass migration to the cities, is stressed. It is emphasized that these processes can be studied not only by statistics, but by the analysis of cultural phenomena, including pop songs. The attention is focused  on  such plots as «the exodus» of youth to the cities, maternal self-sacrifice, the attitudes of the children to their infirm mothers who remained in their abandoned homes, and etc. Critical socio-cultural and gender analysis of these texts reveals the  traits of neotraditionalism, patriarchal culture and romanticism inherent to these songs. The role of the songs in the legitimating and reproduction of inequality and discrimination (city-village, women-men) is shown.


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Author Biography

Liudmila Males, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 64/13, Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01601 Ukraine

Doctor of Sociology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Faculty of Sociology,


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How to Cite
Males, L. (2017). Romantic and neotraditionalictic motifs of culture in reaction to urbanization processes in Ukrainian society. Ukrainian Sociological Journal, (1-2), 97-102. Retrieved from