Political Correctness as a Social Phenomenon: Genesis and Sociological Conceptualization

Keywords: political correctness, ideology, discourse, installation, construction of social reality


The article deals with the problem of the theoretical definition of the concept of “political correctness” in the subject area of social theory. Different theoretical approaches to the investigated phenomenon are revealed. Based on theoretical developments of linguists and sociologists, an author’s definition of political correctness, which presumably possesses the potential of constructing social reality, is formed. Political correctness is seen as a phenomenon that can influence the formation of a social agenda, which is due to its discursive and normative nature. The need for a sociological study of political correctness on an interdisciplinary basis is substantiated with an emphasis on the complex nature of the formation of political correctness as an artificial regulatory tool, a local political tradition and a socio-ideological practice. At the same time, the actual spread of political correctness as a formalized practice beyond the political space of its origin is considered as the core of the sociological problematization of political correctness. Within the framework of the article, the problem of the issue of political correctness is implemented, as well as the theoretical grounds for further study of this phenomenon are proposed. At the same time, a brief historical review of the specificities of the development of political correctness and the context of the use of this concept in the existing developments on this subject is carried out. The necessity of finding political correctness from the linguistic sphere and conceptualization directly in a sociological way is substantiated; at the same time we note the necessity of developing a categorical research apparatus with the help of which it is possible to further study political correctness directly as a social phenomenon. Two main approaches to the analysis of political correctness are being formed, based on understanding it as a phenomenon and as ideology, which makes it possible to further study political correctness precisely as a social phenomenon, and not just a linguistic one. The article lays the theoretical and methodological foundations for the further development of topics of political correctness in a sociological context.


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Author Biography

Oksana Nekhaienko, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, 61122, Ukraine

PhD Student, School of Sociology, o.v.nekhaenko@karazin.ua


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How to Cite
Nekhaienko, O. (2019). Political Correctness as a Social Phenomenon: Genesis and Sociological Conceptualization. Ukrainian Sociological Journal, 19(1-2), 94-99. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/usocjour/article/view/14675