Experience improvisational model for displayed organizations

  • Iryna Surovtseva Priazov State Technical University 7, Universytetska St., Mariupol, 87500, Ukraine, rutasiu@gmail.com https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7909-0103
Keywords: organizations, sociology of organizations, organizational improvisation, bricolage


In the conditions of modern turbulence and redeployment of many organizations from the war zone (with the inevitable loss of material and technical base, social and moral capital, minimization of social guarantees), it became urgent to study the functioning of organizations in unplanned situations. An important quality of any "collective body" is the responding ability of the institutional system to respond to the influence of the social environment, the demands of society; to perceive changes and actions, coming from outside as well as from within. It is indicated that for displaced organizations the discourse about the respondent organization should replace the concept of an "improvised" organization. Orientation to the "improvisational" model allows the organization to continue to exist beyond normal operating conditions. Organizational theory suggests that enterprises also use the "bricolage strategy": survival and functioning with an absolute minimum of costs, creating value "out of nothing", the organization's ability to apply a combination of available resources to solving pressing problems. Modern "evacuated" organizations do not have enough improvisational mechanisms as a source of innovation:they transferred all bureaucratic structures and procedures, in the hope that they will become the key to easy adaptation in new locations.


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Author Biography

Iryna Surovtseva, Priazov State Technical University 7, Universytetska St., Mariupol, 87500, Ukraine, rutasiu@gmail.com

PhD of historical sciences, Associate professor, associate professor of sociology and social work department


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How to Cite
Surovtseva, I. (2018). Experience improvisational model for displayed organizations. Ukrainian Sociological Journal, 17(1-2), 114-118. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/usocjour/article/view/11538