Peasant’s attitude to the land market in Ukraine: sociological monitoring results
The article outlined the results of the five-year monitoring of the attitude of the peasants of central regions of Ukraine to the implementation of the land market. The land is the primary social value of the Ukrainian peasantry. For five years, twice increased the proportion of peasants, who were owners of the land at the expense of those who don't have a sense of the true owner. Ambiguous is the attitude of the peasants about land ownership as a social Institute. More than three quarters of respondents positively assess the ownership of land, and this is much more than five years ago. About half of the respondents from the property on the ground connecting primarily the well-being of his family. Every third receives moral satisfaction from owning land. However, one in three of those surveyed mostly negative about land ownership, particularly fearing or not will it, as it was in the past. Fully support the full implementation of the land market in relatively few farmers. At the same time in one and a half times reduced the number of those who are adamantly opposed to any involvement of agricultural land to market.
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