Social expectations in conditions of social uncertainties as a sociological parameter of «new» inequalities

  • Tetiana Yereskova Department of Sociology and Social work, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 2, Frometivska str., Kyiv, 03039, Ukraine,
  • Oleg Mazuryk Department of Social Structures and Social Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 64/13, Volodymyrska Street, Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine,
Keywords: social uncertainties, social expectations, social communities, differentiation of social expectations, parametric approach


The authors make an attempt justification of the feasibility of empirical research of social expectations in conditions of public uncertainty in article. The subjective content of social expectations from social transformations is increasingly spreading to the meso-level (the level of social communities) is noted. This leads to increased polarization, social distrust between different social groups of Ukrainian society. The authors associate the formation of social expectations with the differentiation of expectations of social communities about their actions, their own conclusions about the actions of other social groups in connection with certain social transformations. It is assumed that a comparison of social expectations gives a more complete picture of the meaningful component of the stratification structure of society. The main attention is paid to the key aspects of the research methodology, which allows determining the strategies for shaping social expectations, classifying them, typification of social groups by the practice of creating social expectations. Proposed variables, that empirically determine the differentiation of social expectations of different social communities. This will help to understand the process of creating “new” inequalities and to better understand the essence of the social divisions of modern Ukrainian society.


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Author Biographies

Tetiana Yereskova, Department of Sociology and Social work, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 2, Frometivska str., Kyiv, 03039, Ukraine,

PhD in Sociology, Docent, Associate professor

Oleg Mazuryk, Department of Social Structures and Social Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 64/13, Volodymyrska Street, Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine,

Doctor of Sociology, Docent, Associate professor


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How to Cite
Yereskova, T., & Mazuryk, O. (2018). Social expectations in conditions of social uncertainties as a sociological parameter of «new» inequalities. Ukrainian Sociological Journal, 17(1-2), 77-81. Retrieved from