Transformation of historical memory in the decommunization conditions of the Ukrainian society

  • Yurij Kalagin Ivan Kozhedub Kharkov National University of Air Force, 228, Klochkivska St, Kharkiv, 61000, Ukraine,
Keywords: civil-military cooperation, Ukrainian Armed Forces, anti-terror operation, Armed Forces operations, battle actions


The article is devoted to the research results of the national phenomenon of Ukrainian Armed Forces civil - military cooperation. Research was conducted by department of psychology and pedagogics of the Ivan Kozhedub Kharkov national university of Air Force in 2015-2016s. The author analyzes world experience of realization of the civil - military cooperation system in the armed forces, explains initial conceptual position of national conception of civil - military cooperation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine which is formulated as follows: combat missions and socio-humanitarian tasks during the hostilities are combined in systemic way and become an equal components of this system; the main goal and tasks of civil-military cooperation are determined in accordance to political aims of government and aimed at achieving and securing the success of military operations, restoration and strengthening of state power in a crisis territory.


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Author Biography

Yurij Kalagin, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkov National University of Air Force, 228, Klochkivska St, Kharkiv, 61000, Ukraine,

Doctor of Sociology, Full Professor, Professor of Psychology and Pedagogics Department


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How to Cite
Kalagin, Y. (2018). Transformation of historical memory in the decommunization conditions of the Ukrainian society. Ukrainian Sociological Journal, 17(1-2), 64-68. Retrieved from