Keywords: information environment, information turbulence, information-psychological security, information-psychological turbulence, turbulent thinking, state management of information security.


The article explores information turbulence, causal socio-psychological aspects associated with this phenomenon and the direction of state policy to ensure information security.

The influence of information turbulence is considered in the article in three planes: state, public and personal.

In the state plane, the causes of turbulence can be both internal processes caused by the contradictions of formation and development in the new world order conditions, and external ones - targeted information influences of unfriendly countries in order to destabilize the socio-political situation, cause instability and chaos. The task of the state is to overcome turbulence, achieve manageability, and ensure national security, which implies not only defense capability, but also social, economic, cultural, informational, psychological aspects.

On a public plane, three possible scenarios are being considered.

In order to withstand turbulence, people either do some kind of action, relieve tension, or adapt a stressful environment. If turbulence does not end or intensifies, they gradually lose the ability to adapt positively. Next one is the segmentation of society, when each group: ethnic, racial, gender - is fighting against everyone else. Nations are divided into regional groups, which are divided into even smaller ethnic groups in order to simplify the decision-making process. The third one involves the departure of individuals into their personal world and the rejection of all social ties that could attract them to other people’s affairs. When exploring ways to overcome turbulence through the prism of personality traits, attention is focused on the concept of “information-psychological turbulence” - an unstable state of the human psyche, is a threat factor for information-psychological safety of a person, and emphasize the importance of measures to deactivate this factor.

It is noted that strategically important for both the state and society is the formation of such a policy, where the information culture takes the leading place. The answer to turbulent information challenges may be the development of “turbulent thinking” based on an informal, heuristic approach to analyzing the situation and making decisions (experience, intuition, dexterity, resourcefulness, etc.).

Further serious studies of this problem are necessary in order to develop an effective state policy for its solution.


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Author Biography

Oleg Panchenko 

Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Director of State Institution “Scientific and Practical Medical Rehabilitation and Diagnostic Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, member President of the All-Ukrainian Professional Psychiatric League, Kyiv


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How to Cite
Panchenko , O. (2020). TURBULENT SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL CHALLENGES I N THE SYSTEM PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF INFORMATION SECURITY. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 1(68), 210-217. https://doi.org/10.34213/tp.20.01.25
Foreign Policy and National Security