Keywords: antimonopoly policy, antitrust regulation, competitive relations, tools.


The role and importance of the state antimonopoly policy in the system of state economy regulation are determined. The characteristics and possibilities of using the instruments of implementation of the state antimonopoly policy are generalized. The principles of development and implementation of the state antimonopoly policy are considered. Approaches are proposed to justify the choice of instruments to ensure the implementation of the state antimonopoly policy. The substantiation of the essence of the state antitrust policy as a coherent set of normatively-fixed provisions defining the institutional construction of the mechanism of exercising the regulatory influence of the state on the processes of distribution and realization of market power within individual segments and national markets as a whole is given. It is proved that the object of the regulatory influence of the state in the implementation of antitrust policy should be both specific actions and the ability and capacity of market participants in the effective implementation of such behavior. The characteristics and possibilities of using the instruments of implementation of the state antitrust policy are generalized. The contradictory nature of the existing theoretical and conceptual basis of the development and implementation of the state antitrust policy, which provisions must combine, on the one hand, the priority orientation on maintaining economic autonomy and independence of economic choice of market relations subjects with the objective necessity of interfering with the state intervention . The institutional nature of the processes of development and implementation of the antitrust policy of the state is proved. The peculiarities and conditions of the effective use of the instruments of the state antitrust policy implementation, according to the parameters of market relations, are established. The principles of development and implementation of the state antitrust policy are considered. The priority of the general economic and social targets of the state activity in ensuring the implementation of the state antitrust policy has been proved. An approach is proposed to choose the means of ensuring the implementation of the state antitrust policy on the basis of comparing the characteristics of different antitrust instruments with the results of assessing the state and tendencies of development of certain markets on the following features: competitiveness of market relations; growth rates of market sales; the level of profitability of market operations.


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How to Cite
Soboleva , I. (2020). INSTRUMENTAL SUPPORT FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STATE ANTIMONOPOLY POLICY. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 2(69), 159-166.
State Regulation of Economic and Social Development Processes