Keywords: project activity, socio-cultural projection, capitalization of culture, Ukrainian cultural fundation, cultural and creative industries, public cultural policy.


In the context of the development of an independent state, cultural policy is of great importance, which would enable to activate the nation’s powerful cultural potential in the process of Ukrainian state-building. The activity of the Ukrainian Cultural Fundation (hereinafter referred to as the UCF) as a subject of state cultural policy is aimed at the comprehensive development of the sphere of culture through the implementation of the cultural initiatives of Ukrainian society.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the activities of the Ukrainian Cultural Fund as a subject of public cultural policy. The revolutionary changes that took place in 2014 necessitated the elevation of the Ukrainian cultural product, which is a valuable and meaningful basis, and should ensure a reformist breakthrough in society.

To date, the activities of the Ukrainian Cultural Fundation play an important role in the process of forming and implementing strategic investments in Ukrainian culture and creative industries, with the aim of accelerating all aspects of the development of Ukrainian society.

The analysis showed that the creation of conditions for the development of culture at the expense of the functioning of the Ukrainian Cultural Fund was an important impetus for the whole Ukrainian society. Ukrainian cultural institutions, non-governmental non-governmental organizations, foundations and unions have finally had a good opportunity to get involved in the implementation of the latest cultural policy. Gradually, Ukrainian culture began to develop One of the most important priorities in the development of culture is the involvement of citizens in the cultural space. This is a cultural policy issue that is directly aimed at working with the population today and is being implemented in Ukraine through the activities of the Ukrainian Cultural Fund. This direction contributes, first of all, to raising the cultural level of citizens, establishing civil society institutions and fostering a sense of patriotism. Of course, we have a lot to work on, but it is thanks to the strengthening of cultural potential and the acquisition of European practices that Ukrainian society will gradually change its attitude to the cultural heritage of Ukraine. Promoting the investment attractiveness of Ukraine today lays the foundations for technological modernization of the economy in the future.


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How to Cite
Kulinich , O., & Havrashenko, A. (2020). UKRAINIAN CULTURAL FUNDATION AS A SUBJECT OF PUBLIC CULTURAL POLICY. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 2(69), 50-57.
The Development of Public Administration System in Ukraine