Keywords: environment; administration functions; control;organisation; planning; natural recourses


The article analyzes the process of creation and reformatting of governing bodies in the field of environmental protection, identifies the shortcomings of such process: the conflict of institutions within one ministry and the lack of effective local control levers. The content of nationwide resource programs has been considered, and the lack of a component for the conservation and restoration of natural resources has been proved.

The administration functions in the sphere of environment have been clarified. Clarification of the content of the planning function is the need to focus on planning the conservation and restoration of natural resources at the state level, which will enable the management of environmental management in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.

Сonsidering the unbalanced exploitation of natural resources, low priority of environmental protection, there is an urgent need to forecast threats and risks in the environment in order to develop scenarios for the activities of public authorities in the event of possible problems that should be considered as complex. As a result of the analysis of the administration function of organization in the field of environment it has been determined that ensuring the implementation of this function requires: the adoption of appropriate by-laws to implement the provisions of the laws of Ukraine in the field of environment; ensuring the exchange of information through the integration of departmental network elements into a single environmental monitoring system; ensuring the planning of safety measures in the field of environment. It has been established that in order to ensure the effective implementation of the environmental control function, it is necessary to adopt a normative document that would set the criteria for the classification of objects as hazardous. Under the current conditions of self-identification and declaration of safety of high-risk objects, business entities need to finalize the issue of control over the correctness of the data entered. It has been found that the impact of controls on reducing the number of violations is negligible.

The necessity to take the following measures in order to make timely decisions in the sphere of the environment has been substantiated: identification of critical factors of anthropogenic impact on the environment and health status of the population; bringing together the efforts of all public authorities with relevant powers to establish, at the regional level, registers of environmental objects (industrial and natural) that are dangerous or potentially dangerous; establishment of state registers of the environmental monitoring system; ensuring the exchange of this information through the integration of departmental network elements into a single environmental monitoring system; ensuring the planning of security measures at all stages (before, during and after critical situations) and developing the necessary capabilities, as well as coordinating environmental actions.

Prospects for further exploration include a separate elaboration of the updated criteria for the classification of environmental objects as dangerous for use in the practice of specially authorized authorities.


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How to Cite
Bokovykova , Y. (2020). ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: AN ADMINISTRATIVE DIMENSION. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 2(69), 18-26. https://doi.org/10.34213/tp.20.02.02
The Development of Public Administration System in Ukraine